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Weekend Workshop | Cologne, Germany, Jan 12-14th, 2018 | €350

Workshop Leader Tuulia Syvänen

Workshop Leader Tuulia Syvänen

Workshop led by Tuulia Syvänen and Pete Jordan

A workshop about Living Out Loud, Being Happy, Getting over Shit and Living in the Present

Radical Honesty is about living in the Here and Now. It is a communication tool and lifestyle, which leads you to connect more deeply with others by expressing our fear, anger, appreciation and whatever is arising in the moment.

Content of the training

This workshop includes lectures, directed conversations, paired exercises, small group exercises, hot seat work, meditation and much more to help you learn how to relax into intimacy based on being open and honest. All this is geared toward having you learn and practice the distinction between thinking and noticing; the difference between interpreting reality and actually noticing it through direct experience.

Then you learn to share what we notice about the reality of your own experience with others, and have it be the basis for true intimacy—learning to love being and love other beings. In this workshop, you can express yourself by laughing, shouting, crying, smiling, sharing and by asking for what you want.

This workshop is for you if:

-you want to experience more freedom in your life
-you want to let go of shame, fear and attachment to approval
-you are looking for using conflict creatively and want to go beyond blame
-you desire to learn the art of asking for what you want
-you want to heal your relationships and find forgiveness
-you yearn deeper love, connection & intimacy

Workshop on How to Live, Love, Laugh & Be Happy & Completely Ruin Life as You Know It

Radical Honesty is direct communication that leads to intimacy. It is the difference between making a performance and laughing and playing with friends. Honesty is kind of scary fun that turns out better than you thought it would. Lying is work and a pain in the ass and makes you lonesome as hell.

We claim that lying is the major source of all human stress. It wears us out and eventually kills us. When people engage honestly, energy that was wasted maintaining a performance to make an impression is suddenly available for real creativity in playing together. When we admit our pretenses we can refresh our relationships and powerfully create new ways of living together. That is the not so secret of Radical Honesty.


The workshop will take place in central Cologne and is non-residential. We can recommend places for you to stay overnight.

The workshop will take place:

Friday, 12 January 18:30 – 21:00
Saturday 13 January 10:00 – 18:00
Sunday 14 January 09:00 – 17:00

More Info:
Please email Pete at


The Weekend Workshop is €350. The price includes one evening and two days of workshopping, healthy vegetarian lunches, snacks and coffee/tea throughout the workshop, and ongoing support of the group to live loud. A limited number of spots in the workshop are available for low income earners / students to participate at a reduced price.

You are warmly welcome to the exciting journey of Radical Honesty!
Tuulia and Pete